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Deploy PowerShell Modules with ConfigMgr Task Sequences: Learn from the Experts

Use this cmdlet to get a Configuration Manager task sequence. You typically use a task sequence to deploy an OS to a client, but you can use them for various purposes. To create a task sequence, use the New-CMTaskSequence cmdlet, or the Configuration Manager console. For more information, see Manage task sequences to automate tasks.

Today, we can simplify this process a lot. Starting with ConfigMgr 1710 and onward we have access to a lot of cmdlets that will assist us in automating different aspects around our operating system deployment process, especially the task sequences. Run the following command to explore some of the available cmdlets:

Deploy PowerShell Modules with ConfigMgr Task Sequences

This was designed for CM with the assumption that the machine that is running the task sequence has access to the internet to install the required modules, and download the updates.While you could probably get this to work in MDT with a bit of work, internet is a must.

At a client recently, I was tasked with implementing this script. I decided that I would embellish the script and add in support for dynamic package deployment and also allow for cross-forest installation, trusted and non-trusted and workgroup client install.

There has been quite a bit of buzz recently around the importance of keeping drivers and firmware updated. My previous post, Apply Firmware and Driver Updates using HP Image Assistant, outlines how to use HPIA within an OSD/IPU task sequence. That, coupled with my Automating HP SoftPaq Repository Updates Using PowerShell post allows for automated updating of softpaq repositories so your deployment environment is always current. This approach works well when the machines are in the hands of technicians at OSD/IPU time.

I was recently asked on Twitter how to apply updates once the machines are in the hands of users. In discussing with @nkofahl, he recommended I run the same process I used during OSD/IPU, but as a self service option for end users. The following post will show how to deploy as an available task sequence to standard users.

Task Sequence Module: The following shows the HPIA module that is used for OSD, IPU, and now available task sequence deployments. In my OSD/IPU task sequence, an immediate reboot to the running OS follows this module to continue running the task sequence. The options tab has a WMI filter for each of the models based on the win32_baseboard, which corresponds to the HP platform. Also note the continue on error option is checked. In the case that something goes wrong with the command, the task sequence will continue.

The PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit provides a set of functions to perform common application deployment tasks and to interact with the user during a deployment. It simplifies the complex scripting challenges of deploying applications in the enterprise, provides a consistent deployment experience and improves installation success rates.


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